
[bug#39528,0/1] add tunctl

Message ID CAEwRq=pGZm=h39rzayuPgjqssfxPiZNCW0iFCghsQPaytjFLyg@mail.gmail.com
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Vincent Legoll Feb. 9, 2020, 3:44 p.m. UTC

the following message is a patch to add the tunctl package.

I took it straight from NixOS and converted to guix.

The NixOS package's license field was set to GPLv2, but
the single C source code file has only "GPL" mentionned,
I kept the NixOS choice, is that right ?

Te description is the same as the synopsis, as I didn't know
what I could add. Looks straightforward enough for me...

I passed the C code through clang-7 scan-build, it reported
nothing worth changing IMHO.

Please advise if any change needs to be done
