diff mbox series

[bug#35627] Importer: Add golang

Message ID 85blzp6u88.fsf@disroot.org
State Accepted
Headers show
Series [bug#35627] Importer: Add golang | expand


Context Check Description
cbaines/applying patch fail Apply failed

Commit Message

Amar M. Singh May 26, 2019, 4:44 p.m. UTC
This Go importer is flaky. It's a rebased patch.

From f54e0aa0ae3f553701b1253a6e8605a493e4d4ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amar Singh <nly@disroot.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 23:17:51 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Importer: Add golang

* guix/import/golang.scm.

Signed-off-by: Amar Singh <nly@disroot.org>
 guix/import/golang.scm | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 217 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 guix/import/golang.scm
diff mbox series


diff --git a/guix/import/golang.scm b/guix/import/golang.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b51d496602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/import/golang.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ 
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2019 by Amar Singh <nly@disroot.org>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (guix import golang))
+ (srfi srfi-1) ;; fold
+ (ice-9 rdelim) ;; read-string
+ (guix import github)  ;; latest-release
+ (guix utils) ;; string-replace-substring
+ (guix memoization)        ;; memoize network operations
+ (guix download)       ;; download-to-store
+ ((guix import utils) #:prefix utils:)   ;; hash
+ (guix packages)       ;; packages
+ ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:) ;; licenses
+ (guix build-system)   ;; build-system printer
+ (guix build-system go)  ;; go-build-system
+ (guix store)          ;; with-store
+ ;; (gnu packages golang) ;; inherit (simple) go package
+ (ice-9 textual-ports) ;; to parse readme.md
+ (ice-9 popen) ;; open-input-ouput-pipe
+ (web uri) ;; uri->string
+ (srfi srfi-26) ;; cut
+ )
+;;; To use, simply:
+;;; 1. (load "golang.scm")
+;;; 2. (define go-package (make-package go-name*))
+;;; 3. (package-sexp go-package)
+;;; 1. latest-release  DONE
+;;; 1.b latest-commit PENDING/STALLED
+;;; 2. go-name->guix-name DONE
+;;; 2.b style go-github-com-user-project DONE
+;;; 4. go-name->url DONE
+;;; 4.b go-name->tarball DONE
+;;; 5. go-name->sha256 (go-name version) DONE
+;;; 6. go-name->synopsis DONE
+;;; 7. go-name->description DONE
+;;; 4-7.b. Memoize, network procedures DONE
+;;; 6-7.b try to extract sentences. TODO
+;;; 8. go-name->license TODO
+;;; 9. go-name->inputs DONE
+;;; 9.b. inputs alist DONE
+;;; 10. package-sexp DONE
+;;; 10.a origin-sexp DONE
+;;; 11. Package Builds TODO
+(define-public go-name* "github.com/gohugoio/hugo") ;; for tests
+(define* (go-name->url go-name #:rest args)
+  (if (string-contains go-name ".")
+      (uri->string (string->uri (apply string-append
+                                       "https://" go-name args)))
+      #f))
+(define (go-name->tarball go-name version)
+  (go-name->url go-name "/archive/v"
+                version ".tar.gz"))
+(define* (string-replace-substrings string substrings
+                                    #:optional (replacement "-"))
+  (if (null-list? substrings)
+      string
+      ((cut string-replace-substring <> (car substrings) replacement)
+       (string-replace-substrings string (cdr substrings)))))
+;;; Possible remove @@ if upstream exports the symbols
+(define (go-name->guix-name go-name)
+  (string-append "go-"
+                 (string-replace-substrings go-name '("." "/") "-")))
+;;; Slow; accesses the network; memoized
+(define latest-release
+  (memoize
+   (lambda (go-name)
+     ((@@ (guix import github) latest-released-version)
+      (go-name->url go-name)
+      (go-name->guix-name go-name)))))
+;;; Slow; downloads the url from network; memoized
+(define url->store
+  (@@ (guix import cran) download))
+;;; Slow; download src tarball from network, returns base32 nix-hash;
+;;; memoized
+(define (go-name->sha256 go-name version)
+  (utils:guix-hash-url (url->store (go-name->tarball go-name version))))
+;;; Slow; network access; memoized
+(define go-name->readme-string
+  (memoize
+   (lambda (go-name)
+     (define (go-name->readme go-name)
+       (go-name->url "raw.githubusercontent.com"
+                     ;; TODO, detect the domain
+                     (substring go-name
+                                (string-length "github.com"))
+                     "/master/"
+                     "README.md"))
+     (call-with-input-file (url->store (go-name->readme go-name))
+       read-string))))
+;;; TODO: try to match the first sentence.
+(define (go-name->synopsis go-name)
+  (substring (go-name->readme-string go-name) 0 100))
+;;; TODO: try to match the the next two sentences.
+(define (go-name->description go-name)
+  (substring (go-name->readme-string go-name) 100 300))
+(define shell-command
+  (lambda* (command #:rest args)
+    (let* ((cmd (string-join (cons command (delete #f (delete '() args))) " "))
+           (port (open-input-output-pipe cmd))
+           (result (read-string port))
+           (exit-code (close-pipe port)))
+      (and (zero? exit-code)
+           (string-split (string-trim-right result) #\newline)))))
+(define go-name->inputs
+  (lambda (go-name)
+    (let ((recursive-depends "-f '{{ join .Deps \"\\n\" }}'")
+          (direct-depends "-f '{{ join .Imports \"\\n\" }}'")
+          (go-command (car (shell-command "which go"))))
+      (shell-command go-command "list" direct-depends go-name))))
+;;; License
+(define (string->license license-string)
+  ((@@ (guix import cran) string->license) (string-upcase license-string)))
+;;; For inputs
+(define format-inputs
+  (@@ (guix import cran) format-inputs))
+(define-public (make-go-package go-name)
+  ;; Do the expensive operations only once; query network for latest
+  ;; version
+  (let* ((version (latest-release go-name))
+         (sha256 (go-name->sha256 go-name version))
+         (readme-string (go-name->readme-string go-name)))
+    (package
+      ;; (inherit go-github-com-alsm-ioprogress)
+      (name
+       (string-append "go-" go-name))
+      (version version)
+      (source
+       (origin (method url-fetch)
+               (uri (go-name->tarball go-name version))
+               (sha256 (base32 sha256))))
+      (home-page
+       (go-name->url go-name))
+      (build-system
+        go-build-system)
+      (arguments
+       `(#:import-path ,go-name))
+      ;; TODO: make inputs into (unquote ..) form
+      (inputs
+       (format-inputs (map go-name->guix-name (go-name->inputs go-name))))
+      (synopsis (go-name->synopsis go-name))
+      (description (go-name->description go-name))
+      ;; TODO: license
+      (license license:expat)
+      )))
+(define (filter-newlines string)
+  (string-filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? x #\newline))) string))
+(define bv->nix-base32 (@@ (guix packages)
+                           bytevector->nix-base32-string))
+(define (origin-sexp origin)
+  `(origin
+     (method url-fetch)
+     (uri ,(origin-uri origin))
+     (sha256 (base32 ,(bv->nix-base32 (origin-sha256 origin))))
+     (file-name ,(origin-file-name origin))
+     (patches ,(origin-patches origin))
+     (snippet ,(origin-snippet origin))
+     (patch-flags ,(origin-patch-flags origin))
+     (patch-inputs ,(origin-patch-inputs origin))
+     (modules ,(origin-modules origin))
+     (patch-guile ,(origin-patch-guile origin))))
+(define (build-system-sexp build-system)
+  (symbol-append (build-system-name build-system) '-build-system))
+(define-public (package-sexp package)
+  `(package
+     (name ,(package-name package))
+     (version ,(package-version package))
+     (source ,(origin-sexp (package-source package)))
+     (home-page ,(package-home-page package))
+     (build-system ,(build-system-sexp (package-build-system package)))
+     (arguments ,(package-arguments package))
+     (synopsis ,(filter-newlines (package-synopsis package)))
+     (description ,(filter-newlines (package-description package)))
+     (inputs ,(format-inputs (map car (package-inputs package))))
+     (native-inputs ,(format-inputs (map car (package-native-inputs package))))
+     (propagated-inputs ,(format-inputs (map car (package-propagated-inputs package))))))
+;;; golang.scm ends here