@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ (define-module (guix cve)
#:use-module (web uri)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
#:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
@@ -108,15 +108,16 @@ (define %cpe-package-rx
(make-regexp "^cpe:2\\.3:a:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):"))
-(define (cpe->package-name cpe)
+(define (cpe->package-identifier cpe)
"Converts the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) string CPE to a package
-name, in a very naive way. Return two values: the package name, and its
-version string. Return #f and #f if CPE does not look like an application CPE
+identifier, in a very naive way. Return three values: the CPE vendor, the
+package name, and its version string.
+Return three #f values if CPE does not look like an application CPE string."
(cond ((regexp-exec %cpe-package-rx cpe)
(lambda (matches)
- (values (match:substring matches 2)
+ (values (match:substring matches 1)
+ (match:substring matches 2)
(match (match:substring matches 3)
("*" '_)
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ (define (cpe->package-name cpe)
;; "cpe:2.3:a:openbsd:openssh:6.8:p1".
(string-drop patch-level 1)))))))))
- (values #f #f))))
+ (values #f #f #f))))
(define (cpe-match->cve-configuration alist)
"Convert ALIST, a \"cpe_match\" alist, into an sexp representing the package
@@ -142,17 +143,18 @@ (define (cpe-match->cve-configuration alist)
;; Normally "cpe23Uri" is here in each "cpe_match" item, but CVE-2020-0534
;; has a configuration that lacks it.
(and cpe
- (let-values (((package version) (cpe->package-name cpe)))
+ (let ((vendor package version (cpe->package-identifier cpe)))
(and package
- `(,package
- ,(cond ((and (or starti starte) (or endi ende))
- `(and ,(if starti `(>= ,starti) `(> ,starte))
- ,(if endi `(<= ,endi) `(< ,ende))))
- (starti `(>= ,starti))
- (starte `(> ,starte))
- (endi `(<= ,endi))
- (ende `(< ,ende))
- (else version))))))))
+ `(,vendor
+ ,package
+ ,(cond ((and (or starti starte) (or endi ende))
+ `(and ,(if starti `(>= ,starti) `(> ,starte))
+ ,(if endi `(<= ,endi) `(< ,ende))))
+ (starti `(>= ,starti))
+ (starte `(> ,starte))
+ (endi `(<= ,endi))
+ (ende `(< ,ende))
+ (else version))))))))
(define (configuration-data->cve-configurations alist)
"Given ALIST, a JSON dictionary for the baroque \"configurations\"
@@ -228,6 +230,25 @@ (define (version-matches? version sexp)
(('>= min)
(version>=? version min))))
+(define (vulnerability-matches? vuln vendor hidden-vendors)
+ "Checks if a VENDOR matches at least one of <vulnerability> VULN
+packages. When VENDOR is #f, ignore packages that have a vendor among
+ (define hidden-vendor?
+ (if (list? hidden-vendors)
+ (cut member <> hidden-vendors)
+ (const #f)))
+ (match vuln
+ (($ <vulnerability> id packages)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((? (lambda (candidate)
+ (and vendor
+ (string=? candidate vendor)))) #t)
+ ((? hidden-vendor?) #f)
+ (otherwise (not vendor)))
+ (map car packages))))) ;candidate vendors
;;; High-level interface.
@@ -259,7 +280,7 @@ (define-record-type <vulnerability>
(vulnerability id packages)
(id vulnerability-id) ;string
- (packages vulnerability-packages)) ;((p1 sexp1) (p2 sexp2) ...)
+ (packages vulnerability-packages)) ;((v1 p1 sexp1) (v2 p2 sexp2) ...)
(define vulnerability->sexp
@@ -271,40 +292,53 @@ (define sexp->vulnerability
(('v id (packages ...))
(vulnerability id packages))))
+(define sexp-v1->vulnerability
+ (match-lambda
+ (('v id (packages ...))
+ (vulnerability id (map (cut cons #f <>) packages)))))
(define (cve-configuration->package-list config)
- "Parse CONFIG, a config sexp, and return a list of the form (P SEXP)
-where P is a package name and SEXP expresses constraints on the matching
+ "Parse CONFIG, a config sexp, and return a list of the form (V P SEXP)
+where V is a CPE vendor, P is a package name and SEXP expresses constraints on
+the matching versions."
(let loop ((config config)
- (packages '()))
+ (results '()))
(match config
(('or configs ...)
- (fold loop packages configs))
- (('and config _ ...) ;XXX
- (loop config packages))
- (((? string? package) '_) ;any version
- (cons `(,package _)
- (alist-delete package packages)))
- (((? string? package) sexp)
- (let ((previous (assoc-ref packages package)))
- (if previous
- (cons `(,package (or ,sexp ,@previous))
- (alist-delete package packages))
- (cons `(,package ,sexp) packages)))))))
+ (fold loop results configs))
+ (('and config _ ...) ;XXX
+ (loop config results))
+ (((? string? vendor) (? string? package) sexp)
+ (let ((pruned-results (remove (match-lambda
+ ((vendor package _) #t)
+ (otherwise #f))
+ results)))
+ (match sexp
+ ('_ ;any version
+ (cons `(,vendor ,package _) pruned-results))
+ (_
+ (match (assoc-ref (assoc-ref results vendor) package)
+ ((previous)
+ (cons `(,vendor ,package (or ,sexp ,previous)) pruned-results))
+ (_
+ (cons `(,vendor ,package ,sexp) results))))))))))
(define (merge-package-lists lst)
- "Merge the list in LST, each of which has the form (p sexp), where P
-is the name of a package and SEXP is an sexp that constrains matching
+ "Merge the list in LST, each of which has the form (V P SEXP), where V is a
+CPE vendor, P is the name of a package and SEXP is an sexp that constrains
+matching versions."
(fold (lambda (plist result) ;XXX: quadratic
(fold (match-lambda*
- (((package version) result)
- (match (assoc-ref result package)
- (#f
- (cons `(,package ,version) result))
- ((previous)
- (cons `(,package (or ,version ,previous))
- (alist-delete package result))))))
+ (((vendor package version) result)
+ (match (assoc-ref result vendor)
+ (((? (cut string=? package <>)) previous)
+ (cons `(,vendor ,package (or ,version ,previous))
+ (remove (match-lambda
+ ((vendor package _) #t)
+ (otherwise #f))
+ result)))
+ (_
+ (cons `(,vendor ,package ,version) result)))))
@@ -337,7 +371,7 @@ (define vulns
(json->vulnerabilities input))
(write `(vulnerabilities
- 1 ;format version
+ 2 ;format version
,(map vulnerability->sexp vulns))
@@ -371,8 +405,10 @@ (define (read* port)
(sexp (read* port)))
(close-port port)
(match sexp
- (('vulnerabilities 1 vulns)
- (map sexp->vulnerability vulns)))))
+ (('vulnerabilities 2 vulns)
+ (map sexp->vulnerability vulns))
+ (('vulnerabilities 1 vulns) ;old format, lacks vendor info
+ (map sexp-v1->vulnerability vulns)))))
(define* (current-vulnerabilities #:key (timeout 10))
"Return the current list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) as
@@ -404,28 +440,26 @@ (define table
(($ <vulnerability> id packages)
(fold (lambda (package table)
(match package
- ((name . versions)
- (vhash-cons name (cons vuln versions)
+ ((vendor name versions)
+ (vhash-cons name (cons vuln `(,versions))
- (lambda* (package #:optional version)
- (vhash-fold* (if version
- (lambda (pair result)
- (match pair
- ((vuln sexp)
- (if (version-matches? version sexp)
- (cons vuln result)
- result))))
- (lambda (pair result)
- (match pair
- ((vuln . _)
- (cons vuln result)))))
- '()
- package table)))
+ (lambda* (package #:optional version #:key (vendor #f) (hidden-vendors '()))
+ (vhash-fold*
+ (lambda (pair result)
+ (match pair
+ ((vuln sexp)
+ (if (and (or (and (not vendor) (null? hidden-vendors))
+ (vulnerability-matches? vuln vendor hidden-vendors))
+ (or (not version) (version-matches? version sexp)))
+ (cons vuln result)
+ result))))
+ '()
+ package table)))
;;; cve.scm ends here
@@ -1585,8 +1585,14 @@ (define package-vulnerabilities
(package-name package)))
(version (or (assoc-ref (package-properties package)
- (package-version package))))
- ((force lookup) name version)))))
+ (package-version package)))
+ (vendor (assoc-ref (package-properties package)
+ 'cpe-vendor))
+ (hidden-vendors (assoc-ref (package-properties package)
+ 'lint-hidden-cpe-vendors)))
+ ((force lookup) name version
+ #:vendor vendor
+ #:hidden-vendors hidden-vendors)))))
;; Prevent Guile 3 from inlining this procedure so we can mock it in tests.
(set! package-vulnerabilities package-vulnerabilities)
@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@ (define %expected-vulnerabilities
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-0001"
;; Only the "a" CPE configurations are kept; the "o"
;; configurations are discarded.
- '(("junos" (or "18.21-s4" (or "18.21-s3" "18.2")))))
+ '(("juniper" "junos" (or "18.2" (or "18.21-s3" "18.21-s4")))))
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-0005"
- '(("junos" (or "18.11" "18.1"))))
+ '(("juniper" "junos" (or "18.1" "18.11"))))
;; CVE-2019-0005 has no "a" configurations.
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-14811"
- '(("ghostscript" (< "9.28"))))
+ '(("artifex" "ghostscript" (< "9.28"))))
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-17365"
- '(("nix" (<= "2.3"))))
+ '(("nixos" "nix" (<= "2.3"))))
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-1010180"
- '(("gdb" _))) ;any version
+ '(("gnu" "gdb" _))) ;any version
(vulnerability "CVE-2019-1010204"
- '(("binutils" (and (>= "2.21") (<= "2.31.1")))
- ("binutils_gold" (and (>= "1.11") (<= "1.16")))))
+ '(("gnu" "binutils" (and (>= "2.21") (<= "2.31.1")))
+ ("gnu" "binutils_gold" (and (>= "1.11") (<= "1.16")))))
;; CVE-2019-18192 has no associated configurations.