
[bug#44077,WIP,0/2] gnu: poetry: Update to 1.1.3.

Message ID 20201023065426.rsoz75yyhngtecoq@melmoth
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Tanguy LE CARROUR Oct. 23, 2020, 6:54 a.m. UTC
Hi Nicolas,

I've just figured out that the updated version of Poetry crashes in some cases!

Actually, there are 2 ways of using Poetry :
1- you manage your own virtual env (I do it with `direnv`) ;
2- you let Poetry manage it.

Obviously, the one I use works, but the second one doesn't! I guess it
requires a newer version of `python-virtualenv`. So I guess this bug
should be marked as work in progress.

I'll let you know once I've solved the problem!

Best regards