[bug#74495,00/15] gnu: Add go-jqp.

Message ID cover.1732837202.git.sharlatanus@gmail.com
Series gnu: Add go-jqp. |


Sharlatan Hellseher Nov. 28, 2024, 11:48 p.m. UTC

I could apply your patches and build them successfully.

Please see the v3 which contains some package location shift (sorry if I've
confused you in first place), description style fixtures and phases

Feel free to merge when you feel it's the time ;-)

Artyom V. Poptsov (15):
  gnu: Add go-github-com-atotto-clipboard.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-aymanbagabas-go-udiff.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-makenowjust-heredoc.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-kylelemons-godebug-pretty.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-sahilm-fuzzy.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-ansi.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-exp-golden.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-x-term.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-lipgloss.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-charmbracelet-bubbles.
  gnu: Add go-github-com-muesli-ansi.
  gnu: go-github-com-itchyny-gojq: Install the library.
  gnu: gojq: Adjust import path.
  gnu: go-github-com-charmbracelet-bubbletea: Update to 1.2.3.
  gnu: Add go-jqp.

 gnu/packages/golang-xyz.scm | 311 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 gnu/packages/golang.scm     |  57 +++++--
 gnu/packages/web.scm        |  45 +++++-
 3 files changed, 395 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

base-commit: cf16dcb95fee602fa2cd3377de769c57a123f9c1