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[bug#52784,0/5] Update XMonad (and add new dependencies)

Message ID Za9d3f8yx-cBVXBqMap5HWIudwcVR6SvNkO_m2pQ5pPNM9UE4C4pqLBuUJpUOG8AoCVwVztLo84Rtt-kXRU5dq8qYZ4P8g5Uj1K1_C3AwJU=@protonmail.com
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Series Update XMonad (and add new dependencies) | expand


John Kehayias Dec. 24, 2021, 7:22 p.m. UTC

Incoming are patches to update XMonad and ghc-xmonad-contrib to the new release, 0.17.0. This required some new Haskell packages and minor changes to xmonad. I've tested this builds but haven't tried running the newer versions (currently away from my main Guix computer). I also updated xmobar (again, untested beyond building).

Note that this new version has breaking configuration changes, detailed in their announcement: https://xmonad.org/news/2021/10/27/xmonad-0-17-0.html  Is that worth a news entry for guix pull? It has been a long time since xmonad released a new version, for those that stay on the stable release.
