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[bug#68605,00/38] Split (gnu packages golang) part III

Message ID cover.1705743627.git.sharlatanus@gmail.com
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Series Split (gnu packages golang) part III | expand


Sharlatan Hellseher Jan. 20, 2024, 9:50 a.m. UTC
Hi Guix!

This is part III of the patch series that splits the monolithic (GNU packages
golang) into logical blocks. This time, I have focused on the
cryptography-related scope, which includes Golang modules (libraries) related
to encryption algorithms, hashing functions, TLS, key management, digital
signatures, and password management.

As with parts I and II, all local checks have passed successfully. I have made
sure not to extend the limit of the master branch on affected packages.

Modules which include packages from (gnu packages golang-crypto):
│ grep -El $(grep define-public gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm |cut -d" " -f2 | paste -s -d"\\|" -) gnu/packages/*.scm | sort
gnu/packages/backup.scm gnu/packages/file-systems.scm
gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm gnu/packages/golang.scm
gnu/packages/golang-web.scm gnu/packages/ipfs.scm
gnu/packages/mail.scm gnu/packages/password-utils.scm
gnu/packages/textutils.scm gnu/packages/uucp.scm

Modules which use (gnu packages golang-crypto):
│ grep -r -l "golang-crypto" . | grep ".*\.scm" | sort
 ./gnu/packages/backup.scm ./gnu/packages/file-systems.scm
./gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm ./gnu/packages/golang.scm
./gnu/packages/golang-web.scm ./gnu/packages/ipfs.scm
./gnu/packages/mail.scm ./gnu/packages/password-utils.scm
./gnu/packages/textutils.scm ./gnu/packages/uucp.scm

Make sure all packages from (gnu packages golang-crypto) are still buildable:
│ ./pre-inst-env guix build $(grep define-public gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm |cut -d" " -f2)

List all dependent packages and make sure all of them are buildable:
│ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh --list-dependent $(grep define-public gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm |cut -d" " -f2)
 Building the following 17 packages would ensure 45 dependent packages
are rebuilt: pass-age@1.7.4a1 ssh-to-age@1.1.2 miniflux@2.0.46
csvdiff@1.4.0 aws-vault@6.6.2 lfs-s3@0.1.5 restic-rest-server@0.11.0
gx@0.14.3 gx-go@1.9.0 yggdrasil@0.5.4 aerc@0.15.2 gocryptfs@2.4.0
bitmask@0.21.11 torbrowser@13.0.8 kubo@0.15.0

Some packages were broken before migration:
• chezmoi
• nncp

│ ./pre-inst-env guix build pass-age@1.7.4a1 ssh-to-age@1.1.2 miniflux@2.0.46 csvdiff@1.4.0 aws-vault@6.6.2 lfs-s3@0.1.5 restic-rest-server@0.11.0 gx@0.14.3 gx-go@1.9.0 yggdrasil@0.5.4 aerc@0.15.2 gocryptfs@2.4.0 bitmask@0.21.11 torbrowser@13.0.8 kubo@0.15.0

Sharlatan Hellseher (38):
  gnu: Add (gnu packages golang-crypto) module.
  gnu: go-github-com-pquerna-cachecontrol: Move to (gnu packages golang-web).
  gnu: go-github-com-multiformats-go-multihash: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-riobard-go-bloom: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-crypto: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-shadowsocks-go-shadowsocks2: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-peer: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-aead-chacha20: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-marten-seemann-chacha20: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-refraction-networking-utls: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-filippo-io-edwards25519: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-gitlab-com-yawning-edwards25519-extra: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-marten-seemann-qtls: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-gaukas-godicttls: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-quic-go-qtls-go1-20: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-jcmturner-aescts-v2: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-aperturerobotics-jacobsa-crypto: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-rfjakob-eme: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-emersion-go-pgpmail: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-protonmail-go-crypto: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-btcsuite-btcd-btcec: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-lukechampine-com-blake3: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-cloudflare-circl: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-minio-sha256-simd: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-flynn-noise: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-gxed-hashland-keccakpg: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-operatorfoundation-ed25519: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-minio-blake2b-simd: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-cespare-xxhash: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-99designs-go-keyring: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-xanzy-ssh-agent: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-filippo-io-age: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github-com-dvsekhvalnov-jose2go: Move to (gnu packages golang-crypto).
  gnu: go-github.com-smartystreets-gunit: Move to (gnu packages golang-check).
  gnu: go-github.com-smartystreets-assertions: Move to (gnu packages golang-check).
  gnu: go-github.com-smartystreets-goconvey: Move to (gnu packages golang-check).
  gnu: go-github-com-99designs-go-keyring: Adjust inputs.
  gnu: go-github-com-quic-go-qtls-go1-20: Sort package alphabetically.

 gnu/local.mk                     |   1 +
 gnu/packages/backup.scm          |   1 +
 gnu/packages/check.scm           |  88 ---
 gnu/packages/file-systems.scm    |   1 +
 gnu/packages/golang-check.scm    |  88 +++
 gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm   | 978 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gnu/packages/golang-web.scm      |  26 +
 gnu/packages/golang.scm          | 948 +-----------------------------
 gnu/packages/ipfs.scm            |   1 +
 gnu/packages/mail.scm            |   1 +
 gnu/packages/password-utils.scm  |   1 +
 gnu/packages/syncthing.scm       |  31 -
 gnu/packages/textutils.scm       |   1 +
 gnu/packages/uucp.scm            |   1 +
 gnu/packages/version-control.scm |   1 +
 15 files changed, 1114 insertions(+), 1054 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/golang-crypto.scm

base-commit: d99670e33e3dcf96a944833d5c2bba35600a06e0


Sharlatan Hellseher Jan. 26, 2024, 10:07 p.m. UTC | #1

Gentle ping on this issue, as far as I notice in teams.scm there are
just 2 members in go-team right now one of them is me =).

It this series is good to go I'll re-base it master and merge and start
preparing go-compression module.

Sharlatan Hellseher Jan. 28, 2024, 11:51 p.m. UTC | #2

I've rebased this patch series double checked it has not introduced any
regression and pushed as 77a07a968f..f74789cd54  to master.

Now about to start work for golang-compression.scm and farther sorting from
golang.scm to already existing modules.
